The Middletown Christian School of Seventh-day Adventists exists to provide a Christ-centered education that empowers scholars to thrive academically, serve joyfully and flourish spiritually.
1. To integrate such subject matter into the curriculum and communicate such attitudes to the students through the teachers to make the aim of education and redemption one.
2. To lead each student into a personal knowledge of and fellowship with Christ and to be a betterment to himself, his family, church, and community.
3. To prepare students in the foundations of learning and skills needed for continuing education and service both in this life and the life to come.
4. To train each student to think and to evaluate resources at his disposal so as to be able to discern between Biblical and non-Biblical values.
5. To teach students the dignity of labor by requiring participation in the management of and responsibility for school and church owned property.
6. To educate in an atmosphere that promotes such Christian graces as self-control, cheerfulness, cleanliness, courtesy, gratitude, respect and reverence